Free Unlimited Social Bookmarking for Squidoo Backlinks

Social bookmarks to gain Squidoo Backlinks are just 1 of the many other tools you can use to promote your squidoo lenses. As anyone who has ever used them before knows, they are a long and tedious "adventure". You can easily spend hours simply logging into hundreds of accounts to submit your newest lenses. Plus we all know that it is not fun at all. It is possible to pay people to bookmark your squidoo lenses but, that can add up to be expensive really fast.
The best free way I use is from . This site has other people promote your site while you promote theirs. Now before you get afraid of the workload let me explain.

1. You start by creating many differnt social bookmarking accounts.
2. You submit the log in credantials to your Social adr accounts (they will not hack or spam your accounts)
3. Finally when you create a bookmark you press 2 buttons and it will submit the story to all of your accounts.

This is the simplest way to earn squidoo backlinks. The best part is that it is completely free.

Each day you are allowed to submit 5 other peoples stories (Social adr can pick 5 for you automatically to make things easier). When you press the submit button you will recieve credit for each site that you submit a story to. The other people will use up your credits when they submit your backlinks to their sites. This is done so that the more you submit other stories the more yours get submited. This is the easiest way to Social bookmark your Squidoo Lens.

The only downside is that you are limited to the number of backlinks you can get per day. If you do want more on their then you can simply order a few and watch your squidoo backlinks exponentially rise. However, you can always use the free bookmarking tool and purchase some later if you shoose to. It is completely up to you but, if you are looking for quality Squidoo Backlinks then is the way to start for free. social media marketing services

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